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Our strength lies in strong entrepreneurial skills, Business know how, Implementation, Consulting, Integration and Software Development experience in the latest and cutting edge technologies including IBM Websphere, SAP Netweaver and Adobe Livecycle Suite of Products.
Careers - Job Openings
Job Title - Adobe Flex Programmer

JOB DUTIES:Design and Develop Rich Internet Applications using Adobe Flex Framework. Develop custom Adobe Flex based front end for Enterprise Applications that would interface with legacy Backend Systems as well as Relational Databases etc. Develop Front end Applications using Adobe Flex/Flash Rich UI that would integrate with HTTP Services, Web Services and Remote JAVA/J2EE Applications and display Enterprise Data in XML format. Program Web Applications using Adobe Technologies such as MXML markup language. Build Rich Interactive Applications using Adobe’s ActionScript 3.0 scripting language. Implement Data Transfer using JSON i.e. JavaScript Object Notation format. · Developed Adobe Forms including Controls and Containers using Adobe Flex Builder IDE. Program interactive Web Applications using Charts, Maps and Graphs using Adobe Flash CS. Develop Wrappers using JAVA technology in order to integrate and extend Flex/AIR. Demonstrate the feasibility and performance of Adobe Flex Technology for developing RIA i.e. Rich Internet Applications on the web browser. Program Application using Adobe Flex commands and Scripts based on Adobe Flex Builder environment. Integrate the Adobe front end to J2EE Backend using Adobe LCDS i.e. LiveCycle Data Services. Extensively use Flex Builder for developing Graphical User interface using MXML Components, ActionScript Components, and Flex Modules. Develop and Test Flash content and integrate it into Adobe Flex Applications using Flex Builder tools. Document End user Guides in order to provide a step by step procedure for the Business user to use Adobe Technology.

REQUIREMENTS: Bachelors in Engineering or Computer Science or equivalent.

REQUIREMENTS: HOURS: 9:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. 40 hours per week


NextXAP Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). Qualified applicants are considered for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability or veteran status.