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 Our Core Strengths
Our strength lies in strong entrepreneurial skills, Business know how, Implementation, Consulting, Integration and Software Development experience in the latest and cutting edge technologies including IBM Websphere, SAP Netweaver and Adobe Livecycle Suite of Products.

Products - NextXAP Inc
IntelliVoyage.... online travel search & planning

IntelliVoyage is a travel search, planning & booking website which provides internet users with a web based interface to search & book flights within the United States.  This website provides web based anywhere, anytime access thereby catering to the travel planning needs of the users.  It simplifies the process of travel planning by remembering user preferences & profile details including payment options & most frequently access routes.  It uses state of the art "Artificial Intelligence" algorithms and "learns" user interaction patterns over a period of time and then automatically sort search results based on user preference and user interaction history patterns.



Upcoming Features

The IntelliVoyage team is working diligently to improve your travel experience by offering more innovative features including:

  1. Integration with maps (whereby the user can graphically see their itinerary)

  2. Integration with social networking websites such as Facebook where the user's travel plans will be published on their Facebook page & the user will also be alerted about similar travel deals obtained by their Facebook friends.

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